Ask Diggadome is a new feature here on our web site. If you send us mail -- we respond. We're not just some band you can write to and recieve an impersonal form letter and a cheesy reprint of a signed picture from. We react to your mail -- and here's what we have to say.
Subject: Your funk is fresh like the smoke that I toked
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 23:42:09 -0700
From: NickAfter yall, the Rendevous is now a S&M club. Your shit rocked bros.
Bringin back the good times, hair on all ends, rollin down the river in my mind. Inspired. Thanks to the band keepin the time, and droppin thoughts from vocalists spreading words divine.
Corona hit the back of my throat with freshly cut limes, in the hand was a fresh nugg, lungs bruised, Suzy-Q, 99 lives.
Full of life, inspiring your fellow men. Reaching back and rocking the gals to dance, guys to advance to the front of line, where the mind resides. And then there are the movies when I close my eyes.
Journey is abound, I see afar, but the sound is from town. Heart becomes the band, and the roads traveled will be long. At the point where time is no longer. The long is in where the crew is, and that is with hunger.
Hear as the piano soars, as ten points strike the black and white leaving a beautiful color of grey which sums up the night. All ONE. For Three percussionists express all they know through a dance called soul, Tapping, hanging on and providing the backbone. Three on the strings, where blood flows through the passages, mad savages keeping inline with proper tone. Now when I speak proper, It's as if these souls are joined through one thing...., veins through the body, through a birth vision, three studied, we carry on like were alone with the strength of ten kings. Keep rising. Again and again I feel for the wind over by area where true self is... blend in, oh toy soldier much more than feeling, for if you see with the mind, look past your eyes for you will see the one in which I am speaking. One over here I say, set me free from and strike me with your hand, for pain and hate to love, I just came from the holy land and now you are created (with ease). Father of the eart!
h, this is my child a mixture of all love and all hate. All Eight.
Mind group to drop all veils that obstruct, for within there will be no sorrow. One Home. One Om. Diggadome is toned for the sound of tomorrow
-PriestDiggadome responds:
Yeaaahhhhh! That's some chill prose, brutha; and the praise is awesomely welcomed. Thank you -- and you, and you. Hells, that's some gift for writing you've got, it means a lot for you to use it with respect to us. Thanks, damn, good vibes.
Subject: wazup?
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:28:47 -0700
From: Scott
Hey, dude,
When's the next gig? When you gonna update this thang?
ScoobDiggadome responds:
Check out that last letter! The page is updated now -- and the gigs are in the current events section. Why are you called 'Scoob'?
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