welcome to...
Eight Russell Street is a street address. Of an apartment that's basically half of a house. It's a house that has hosted lots of people. Over time, it's become a community of sorts, for wayward artists and artists-to-be and sometimes an artist-becoming.
Lots of people have lived in this place. Some of the people here still do. Some of them don't anymore. Some of the people here never did.
Here are some pictures of some of the rooms in the house.
Galleries - david stoupakis . christopher bordenca
The artists, gettin' jiggy with it.
Have a question for the community at large? E-mail it to charlwoo@ccs.neu.edu.
At one point we occasionally posted pictures of the living room table here on the Internet. The living room doesn't have a table anymore, but the pictures are a small picture of some of the life that happens here.
Once, there was this band who...