Here are some new pictures.
What IS spoo, anyway?
Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea what spoo is. But, there's LOTS of it on this page. I think it's basically a combination of much sleep deprivation and an overactive imagination. Gromit agrees with me, I think... but he doesn't talk, because he DOESN'T HAVE A MOUTH.
So, I was trying to encourage a fellow band member to put something together for his part of the web site, and I asked him what he wanted to say to the world. That caused me to ask myself that same question, and so I said, "Self? What do you want to say to the world?" My self answered, "Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I know it wasn't all about spoo."
Enough about spoo. Tell me something else.
Seeing as I'm in this band, and we play music - not spoo - I'm going to talk about MUSIC. Music is a very spiritual experience for me. It can be analyzed and mathematically expressed, and broken down into simple parts, but it's not the notes and harmonic structure that I'm talking about - it's the VIBE, the groove that takes someone listening to it UP, and higher and higher. It's a release of energy that most anyone can add to, and enjoy, and appreciate. When I create music I like it to move me and the people around me. That positive vibration is what I'm in love with - I want to spread that as far as it will go.
all else do you do, huh?
I finished college at Northeastern University, in Boston, Massachusetts. I have a very expensive piece of paper that says I've got a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science. Right now, I'm a software engineer at Oberon Software, in Cambridge, Mass. I make beer, mountain bike, hike, and play acoustic guitar and piano.You can check out my home page, but it's way out of date.
Reach the beginning.